LIGHT FIDELITY, Li-Fi, Wi-Fi, Green Wi-Fi, Light Emitting Diodes, 5G TechnologyAbstract
Light fidelity (Li-Fi) also known as Green Wi-Fi is a new and emerging technology, which is very popular among researchers and scholars. As internet is become a major need of people in this digital era, people are in search of Wi-Fi and hotspots. Li-Fi is the 5G technology which uses the Light Emitting Diodes for data communication through Wi-Fi. It is beneficial for wireless coverage inside a building however Li-Fi is best for high density data coverage within restricted region than the Wi-Fi. This technology provide the relive from radio interferences issues. In this paper we have discussed this new technology with reference to its various aspects like history, design, working and challenges but our main focus is to comparison of Li-Fi with existing technology. The undertaken study is useful for researchers, scholars and academicians.Downloads
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